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Woman with Lingo Sensor

The science
behind Lingo

Metabolism, glucose, hormones — metabolic health is a lot to unpack. Lingo streamlines the science throughout your journey. So you not only learn what works, you also learn why.

Metabolism is a complex process

At its core, it encompasses all the biochemical reactions occurring in your body. One key role of these reactions is converting food and drinks into energy.

It’s always on. Even when you’re lounging on the couch, your body is using what you put into it for fuel. But, like each of us, your metabolism is unique.

It’s true that genetics and age play a role, but your metabolism isn’t set in stone. You can influence it with physical activity, muscle mass, and — especially — better eating habits and food choices.

Woman eating sushiWoman eating sushi
Avocado ToastAvocado Toast

Why glucose matters

Glucose is a fuel that provides energy to your cells. It goes up and down throughout the day, typically rising after high-carb meals, intense exercise, even stress. But food tends to be the biggest driver.

As glucose rises (or spikes), your body releases insulin to get that fuel where it needs to go. Insulin helps your body use glucose for energy, but when there’s too much in your system, the excess glucose gets stored as fat.[1,2]

Too much glucose in circulation can also affect how you feel day to day — hungry, tired, moody, unable to concentrate. All things that can derail your health goals. So, it’s important to learn which foods cause the biggest spikes for you.

Fuel better, feel better

Finding foods and habits that work for you, your routine, and your metabolism has all kinds of benefits.

Weight management

As glucose rises, so does insulin.[4] And when insulin is chronically elevated, it can impair the body’s ability to burn fat for energy.[5,6] That’s why having steady glucose levels can help with losing and maintaining weight.[7]

Re-training hunger cues

Glucose crashes can trick you into thinking you need more food ASAP.[8,9] Seeing your real-time glucose data can help you understand the difference between true hunger and just a passing craving.[9]

Feeling more rested

Studies have shown that adopting habits known to support steady glucose may lead to better sleep. In turn, better sleep can also help you make better food choices to keep your glucose steady.[10,11,12]

And more...

Glucose management is associated with improved memory, mental clarity, and mood.[13,14] One study found that people who ate a high-glycemic diet had a 55% higher report of poor mood as compared to people who ate a low-glycemic diet.

Lingo CGM with AppLingo CGM with App

CGM is a powerful tool

No matter your health goals, glucose management is important. And one of the best ways to manage glucose is to monitor it.

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) — like the Lingo biosensor — are a tool for feedback. They measure your glucose in real time, allowing you to see the impact of what you eat. And seeing your data can be a major motivator when it comes to behavior change.

Research study

In a randomized controlled trial, participants were divided into two groups. Both groups were told to exercise and follow a low-glycemic index diet. The only difference? One group got a CGM, enabling them to monitor their response to food throughout the trial. After two months, the CGM group had lost more weight, more body fat, and had better cholesterol and fasting glucose — all key markers of improved metabolic health.[15]

How a system like Lingo can help

Wearing a biosensor can give you insights into how your food choices impact your body. But this technology alone won’t change your metabolism. Getting the results you want takes habit-building, guidance and support, and a more tailored approach to nutrition.

The Lingo app helps you maximize the insights your biosensor can offer. It can be a source of feedback, accountability, validation that what you’re doing is actually working.

Man reading phoneMan reading phone

Meet our experts

Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD, CSSD, LDPamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD, CSSD, LD

Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD, CSSD, LD

Medical Affairs

Lorelie Villarete, PhDLorelie Villarete, PhD

Lorelie Villarete, PhD

Clinical Research

Robert Standley, PhDRobert Standley, PhD

Robert Standley, PhD

Clinical Research

Amy McKenzie, PhDAmy McKenzie, PhD

Amy McKenzie, PhD

Medical Affairs and Clinical Research


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